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 Patch Notes

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Nombre de messages : 44
Date d'inscription : 18/03/2007

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MessageSujet: Patch Notes   Patch Notes Icon_minitimeMer 11 Avr - 14:28

Voila, je propose de poster tous les patch notes a la suite dans ce topic (qu'on devrais peut-etre mettre un post-it Question ) pour qu'ils soient tous regroupés pour plus d'organisation Smile

Le patch d'aujourd'hui :

Citation :
Build 1803 April / 11 / 2007

Vanguard Build 1803 Patch Notes 4/11/2007

Ever wondered what kinds of things the developers of Vanguard have in store for the game? Wonder no more! With the new In the Works webpage, we will be giving a quick glimpse of the projects we’re currently working on. The page will show both short term and long term goals, as well as provide a top 10 bug list. You can find the page here.

- City Teleporters - Captain Jiral in Khal will now offer his services to Diplomats and Crafters of the appropriate skill or level.
- Damage Shields are no longer subject to mitigation.
- NPCs above level 50 should now drop cash and coin loot.
- Having a reactive heal will no longer prevent damage shields and procs from working as intended.
- Multiple procs will now be properly displayed
- Some issues with buffs and chunks not having the intended results have been fixed.
- Sea Portals should now be visible on the in-game map.
- On the PVP servers, you should now be able to target opponent pets without holding control.
- Toggled abilities can now be toggled off even if you don't meet the use costs.
- PvP players with pets and DoT's rejoice! You will now receive kill credit for kills with your pet or DoT.
- Secondary targets on spells and attacks now follow the same range rules as primary targets of the ability.
- Player pets that have clickable special attacks now have appropriate range checking. The pet's owner will receive chat message when an attack fails for this reason.

- Druid, Necromancer and Psionicist damage over time spells have had their damage increased.
- Blood Mage - damage over times spells have had their damage increased.
- Blood Mage - AE spells have had their damage increased.
- Blood Mage – Added duration indicator on Translucence.
- Cleric - Added the Tactic Recognition skill.
- Disciple - attack damage has been increased for all special attacks.
- Disciple - base attack damage has been slightly increased.
- Disciple – Ra’Jin Flare now raises the Evocation skill instead of just claiming to
- Dread Knight – Shield of Fear now grants block % based on what your current Dreadful Countenance is, instead of what it was when you first used the ability.
- Dread Knight –Dark Bastion now grants armor class based on what your current Dreadful Countenance is, instead of what it was when you first used the ability.
- Dread Knight – Devour Mind no longer resets to 0 when you log in with it on.
- Dread Knight – Devour Mind can no longer be cancelled in pvp.
- Dread Knight – Devour Strength no longer resets to 0 when you log in with it on.
- Dread Knight – Devour Strength can no longer be cancelled in pvp.
- Dread Knight – Incite should now cost 10 END.
- Dread Knight – Inflame should now cost 10 END.
- Dread Knight – Increased the damage on Word of Doom.
- Dread Knight – Lowered the refresh of Word of Doom to 5 minutes, down from 15 minutes
- Dread Knight – Increased the critical chance of Word of Doom
- Dread Knight – Increased damage on Cull
- Dread Knight – Removed stun requirement on Cull
- Dread Knight – Cull now has a 1.5 second cast time, up from Instant cast
- Dread Knight – Increased the energy cost of Cull
- Dread Knight – Increased damage of Bane
- Dread Knight – Vile Strike no longer requires Dreadful Countenance level 3 to activate
- Dread Knight – Vile Strike now has an energy drain component.
- Dread Knight – Added the new counter attack ability line Retaliate to all trainers
- Dread Knight - Anguish no longer requires Dreadful Countenance level 3 to activate
- Dread Knight – Increased the Hate addition on Incite.
- Dread Knight – Anguish now deals damage over time, returning that health in energy to you.
- Dread Knight – The endurance cost penalty on Ebon Blade form applies itself correctly now.
- Dread Knight – Armor of Darkness no longer gives an increasing damage debuff as you level it up. It stays at a flat 10% decrease.
- Dread Knight – Shadow Meld now increases Block instead of dodge.
- Dread Knight – All forms now show icons to indicate how it is affecting you at the current phase.
- Dread Knight – Nexus of Hatred should no longer aggro npcs that aren’t attacking your defensive target.
- Dread Knight – Devour Strength now has the correct particle effect instead of Devour Mind’s particle effect.
- Druid – Fixed many display issues. Soothe and your DoTs should now give the correct information in their tooltips.
- Druid – Earthen Brute’s are now less spammy when they spawn.
- Monk – Increased the effectiveness of Dragon Stance slightly and added a visual indicator of the regeneration values.
- Monk – Storm Dragon Stance has been altered. It now increases damage by a percentage, increases crit chance and adds a chance to proc a large lightning based damage spell.
- Monk – Drunken Mastery Stance has been altered. It now increases the hate generated by all attacks, grants a 10% decrease to refresh timers for abilities that are executed while in the stance and it still increases dodge chance by 5%.
- Monk – Harmonious Body Stance now adds Jin every 10 seconds, down from 20.
- Necromancer – Added Skin Grafts to Necropsy loot tables
- Paladin – Wrath of Vol Anari has been added to trainers starting at level 26
- Ranger – Tame now lasts a flat amount of time instead of a variable amount of time. The durations have also been increased across the board.
- Ranger – Calm Creature now lasts 25 seconds, up from 18.
- Ranger – Drastically increased the HP of your summoned companion.
- Ranger – Slightly increased the damage of your summoned companion.
- Ranger – Parry III stops your auto attack just like Parry I and Parry II
- Rogue – Added the tactic Recognition skill back to your perception and concealment skill pool.
- Rogue – Evacuation Scroll now has an activation time of 7 seconds. Advanced Evacuation Scroll now has a cast time of 5 seconds. These cast times have increased from your previous times.
- Shaman – Grasp of Goromund is now actually a conjuration spell. It will no longer increase evocation.
- Shaman - Added the Tactic Recognition skill.
- Sorcerer – Amplify Celerity now has a 5 minutes refresh timer.
- Warrior – Withdraw will now work on all opponents near your defensive target. Each upgrade increases the amount of hate that is reduced.
- Warrior – The energy cost of Withdraw has been increased.
- Warrior – When Rend Armor crits, you can chain Stinging Cut into Biting Blades now.
- Warrior – Shield Wall now requires you to have a shield equipped
- Warrior – Taunting Strike VI will now cause chains to trigger when it crits.
- Warrior – Roar of Fury no longer triggers global recovery
- Warrior – Protect no longer breaks mezzes.
- Warrior – Offensive form now lowers mitigation by 10% of your current and not by a flat amount.

- Romandar Whitebeard now properly asks for five items, not eight, for the Thestran apprentice outfitter quest. The quest objects were already correct; this only fixes an inconsistency in his dialogue.
- Goshi Masape should be less of a chatterbox.
- All striking procs should no longer break stealth
- An error with players not receiving experience for the Blacksmith Thestran Initiate quest has been fixed.
- High level harvesting bags, saddlebags, and harvesting clothes recipes are now available on Kojan trainers.
- The diplomacy recipe “Orange Skirt” now has the proper grade A reward.
- The practice caravel deck recipe will now consume the correct amount of resources.
- Corrected an issue with the Kojani vielthread window coverings recipe.
- Updated the text display of several crafting dusts, powders, shards, and crystals.
- Fixed bows and crossbows that had the wrong ability attached to them.
- Fixed many Journeyman Blacksmith work order recipes that were failing to complete.
- Corrected the stats on horseshoe packs. This was a display issue only.
- Corrected several secondary items that were displaying the incorrect bonuses. Display issue only.
- Corrected several novice outfitter refining work orders that were asking for the hides instead of textiles.
- Corrected some Tier 5 armor pieces that were not displaying stats. Specifically “Scholar’s” items “of Mystical Alacrity”.
- The “Sew” action that uses a ruler is now called “Measure.”
- Some indoor taskmasters have been moved outside.
- You no longer need to log out and log back in after first completing the Charm Maker quests to make charms.
- T2 crafted Plate and Chain/Leather armor sets should now all match.
- The Straight Cut crafting action is now Straight Stitch to better reflect the tool it uses.
- The recipes that need to be completed to join the New Targonor crafting organizations have been lowered in difficulty.
- While Harvesting, you will now receive the full benefits of your Adventuring items.
- Fixed the bug where you would always see the first catalyst you added for the first recipe that took a catalyst for all later recipes.
- Fixed issue with Gift of might series that was causing some attributes to not be included
- A new diplomacy deconstruction quest has been added to Tawar Galan. It is available only to mineralogists.
- The item Shandrel’s Focus has had its description updated to better explain its effects.
- The description for the quest “Grodek’s New Hammer” has been edited to be clearer.
- Fixed issue causing decons to give resources a tier higher
- The crafters who have uncovered Kalind’s closely-guarded training techniques can now utilize bonus actions in certain special recipes.
- The Gwartak Clan recipes now have a special action family in their makeup.
- More clothing merchants have been added to various cities.
- Taskmaster wander radius has been decreased slightly, and wait time has been increased slightly.
- A few crafting quests that were giving notably low experience have had that value increased.
- Health resonance dust should now add the effect Boon of Health. This effect will increase the effectiveness of heals cast on you. This effect does stack, becoming more powerful the more pieces you wear.
- Energy resonance dust should now add the effect Arcane Gift. This effect adds energy regen and an increase to your energy pool. This effect does stack, becoming more powerful the more pieces you wear.
- Crafting spheres and orbs now display their proper trades.
- Outfitter bandage recipes have had their descriptions updated.
- Repair Stone recipe now uses Sandstone instead of soapstone
- The Enchanted Refined Materials quest recipe for the Thestran crafting organizations has been made more appropriate to the quest level.
- Platinum Rings advanced work order recipe has been fixed to provide the correct item.
- The improperly named advance work order “Advanced Research” given by Robai Wyneb is now titled “Brilliant Rings.”
- Harvest Charm recipes now display required grade for success.
- A recipe for crafting expendables has been added to the crafting organizations in New Targonor and Ahgram. You can only learn the recipe for the organization you belong to.
- The “Seer’s Amulet” recipe has been adjusted to better fit in with the quest it is attached to.
- The continental style quest recipes have been better adjusted to fit the level of the quest.
- The faction loss for abandoning a crafting organization quest has been lowered slightly.
- The total action points for the quest recipe “Enchanted Refined Materials” have been increased.
- Members of the crafting organizations you have worked closely with should now react differently to you.
- Drogan and Cort in Tursh should no longer be “Stuck!”
- Some issues with wandering taskmasters have been resolved.
- The Deebs crafting outpost no longer gives Thestran Artisan faction for completed work orders.
- Changing specializations now gives you the appropriate title.
- Gwartak Clan crossbow now actually fires bolts rather than arrows.
- A typo was corrected with Katako’s blacksmith training being labeled as artificer training halfway during the tutorial quest series.
- A number of advanced work orders have had their recipe skill changed.
- Corrected several items that were not providing the correct deconstruction rewards.
- Upside Alliance faction is now gained for doing work orders at the Oasis outpost.
- Fieldwork Toolbelt has had its stats adjusted.
- A quest has been added to New Targonor for allies of the Black Diamond Mercenaries.
- More furniture recipes have been added to trainers.

Dernière édition par le Mer 11 Avr - 14:30, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 44
Date d'inscription : 18/03/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Patch Notes   Patch Notes Icon_minitimeMer 11 Avr - 14:29

Citation :
- The Leth Nurae Arcanists in Southwatch have been moved so that players will not aggro mobs from the wall as they parley with them.
- Conflicts regarding the location of the gnomish emissaries in “New Partnerships” have been cleared.
- Jasmine now directs you more clearly in the quest “Dreamspeaker.”
- The varanthari diplomacy newbie quest “Deduction” now correctly requires you to have completed “Legends of the Raiders” and be on the quest “Love Letters Lost.”
- The Tanvu quest “Learn Rebuttal” is now an Interview – allowing you to actually practice using your new Rebuttal.
- You now get the title “Juritor” when you complete the Tanvu quest “Unworthy and Unwise.” Those who have completed the quest previously and did not receive this title can speak with Ji Ki the Teacher, in front of the Emperor’s home.
- The post-title “Clerk of the Empire” has been changed to a pre-title of “Clerk” for those who have begun the half-elf/kojani human newbie diplomacy quests.
- You now get a title when you complete the Lomshir varanthari diplomacy newbie line. If you have previously completed this quest line, speak with Qarouk Telourshed and he will grant this title.
- The following titles have been changed: “Clerk of Red Silk” is now “of Red Silk”, “Juritor of Copper Cups” is now “of Copper Cups”, “Juritor of Paper Prayers” is now “of Paper Prayers”, “Juritor of Silk Wisdom” is now “of Silk Wisdom”, “Juritor of Dreaming Skies” is now “of Dreaming Skies” and “Juritor of Harmonious Speech” is now “of Harmonious Speech.” These titles can be used with “Clerk” and “Juritor” to make the appropriate combinations.
- Renton Keep now has an expanded Civic Diplomacy radius – allowing you to gain the effects of Civic buffs and move levers on the NPCs outside the keep itself.
- Changed the Incite Domestic lever to be more difficult and provide a more powerful buff in Renton Keep.
- Diplomacy NPC deck revamp begun throughout Telon. New decks placed on many NPCs in New Targonor, Tursh, Tanvu, Ca’ail Brael, Tawar Galan, Mekalia, Leth Nurae, Rindol Field, Lomshir, Hathor/Pankor Zhi, Martok (goblins). This is an ongoing process – as we add a greater variety of cards for players, we will convert a growing percentage of existing NPCs to the new decks. All new Diplomacy NPCs will feature these new decks. This is to disrupt gameplay as little as possible, while providing expanded gameplay.
- The quest A Mysterious Case is now obtainable by dark elf diplomats of at least skill 40 from Legionnaire Ikari in Hathor Zhi.
- Writs are now available with the Petitioners of Martok for diplomats of at least 150 skill and 500 prestige faction with the city of Martok. Look in and around the Chamber of the War Council to find them milling around the leaders and other advisors.
- Writs are now available with the Petitioners of Pankor Zhi for diplomats of at least 150 skill and 500 prestige faction with the city of Pankor Zhi. Look in the Halls of Justice to find them walking among the other officials.
- Vhaloria will now correctly give out her poem when you defeat her in parley in the Tier 2 Kojani horse quest.
- The merchants NPC’s parleyed with in “Intercepting Contraband” are now domestics so that the presence is more easily attainable.
- Tier 2 Diplomacy tack has received a boost to its effectiveness.
- Quest objectives in “A Cause for Interference” will now properly display and update with the names of the groups in Ahgram you need to parley with.
- The NPC’s needed to parley with in New Targonor’s “Ghost-ese” now require soldier presence instead of outsider.
- Quest Objectives of the Ca’ial Brael writ “A Warden’s Betrayal” have been made clearer.
- Queen Ilyia will now complete the Bordinar’s Cleft writ “Elves Against the East.”
- Emerald Matrices now show a green gem icon.
- You will now gain prestige with Ca’ial Brael rather than losing it for completing the writ “A Warden's Betrayal” in Ca’ial Brael.
- The writ “New Partnerships” now has a travel journal entry for the gnomish emissaries.
- The Ahgram writ “Procuring Leverage” now correctly sends you to Dallaraz the Administrator in Pankor Zhi instead of Karmala.
- You now gain faction with The Circle of Ten when you complete the Leth Nurae writs: Research Exchange Treaty and Strange Bedfellows
- You now lose faction with The Circle of Ten when you complete the Leth Nurae writ: Power Corrupts
- In the Leth Nurae writ Research Exchange Treaty you no longer gain House Hilthorn faction and no longer lose College of Magic faction. You now lose Halgarad faction instead.
- Writs are now available with the various Directors of affairs in New Targonor for diplomats of at least 150 skill and 500 prestige faction with the City of New Targonor. Look in the Temple of the Fathers to find them walking around amongst themselves and speaking with the King.
- Writs are now available with the various Administrators in Khal for diplomats of at least 150 skill and 500 prestige faction with the City of Khal. Look for them in the Office of the Port Authority near Jaluna Fenn.
- Writs are now available with the various Superintendents in Tanvu for diplomats of at least 150 skill and 500 prestige faction with the City of Tanvu. Look for them in the courtyard with the great bell across from the palace of the Emperor.
- Diplomacy clothing now fits within the Informant’s Valise and future Diplomacy containers.
- Informant’s Valise now applies a weight reduction on carried Diplomacy clothing.
- Informant’s Valise’s capacity slightly increased.
- Instigator Vests now actually modify Incite conversations, as indicated on the item description.
- Entertainer Gowns now actually modify Entertain conversations, as indicated on the item description.
- Tier 3 Thestran Diplomacy leg items now display the appropriate icon, and now equip in the appropriate location.

- Abammisi Lake – Has been fully repopulated and itemized. It is intended for players levels 45-50.
- Afrit - There is now a warrior trainer within Afrit.
- Dahknarg - Updated and corrected some travel journal entries pertaining to instructors and armor vendors in Dahknarg.
- The Deebs – Jagund the Wavebreaker is now more difficult, although he still remains unitemized.
- Fisher’s Pen – You will no longer be attacked by overland creatures when attempting to use the outfitter fitting table.
- Gorgalok - The Gorgalok Champion event is now available more often.
- Gorgalok - Tishra the Bloodpriest will now reset after sitting unagro for 15 minutes.
- Gorgalok - Fixed a visual problem with the Spore Destroyers in the Gorgalok Region.
- Gulgrethor - Gulgrethor Soldier’s will now give the correct faction change upon death.
- Hathor Zhi - The quest “Find Dreven’s Allies” in Hathor Zhi has had a correction made to its travel journal entry. It should now point you in the right direction.
- Jathred’s Twist - 12 new quests added in Jathred’s Twist
- Khal - Guard Tarsa will now properly give directions when asked.
- Marsh of Peril – In the quest, “Recover our History,” the ‘stolen ancient tomes’ are now ‘stolen elven tomes.’ They are still found within piles of books in Thelaseen.
- Misthaven Crossing - 40 new quests added in Misthaven Crossing
- NPCs - Respawn on the Stonesmashers has been adjusted to a more manageable level.
- Nusibe Necropolis – Mob respawn timers have been slightly adjusted.
- Pantheon of the Ancients – Select NPCs now detect invisibility as well as improved stealth detection.
- Pantheon of the Ancients – The Orb of the Eternal Flame is now spawned at all times
- Pantheon of the Ancients – The hit point values for the Avatar of Mara and the Avatar of Caia have been significantly increased.
- Quests - The United Races of Thestra is recruiting adventurers from levels15-20. Interested players should visit level appropriate outposts throughout Thestra.
- Quests - The Lucent Circle is recruiting adventurers from levels 45-50. Interested players should visit their encampment in Tehatamani Harbor.
- Quests – Task for Southwatch: Eradicate the Plague Vermin – Fixed a bug where the quest could complete early.
- Quests – Ghosts Among Us – Fixed a bug where incorrect npc’s were giving quest credit.
- Quests – Lower the Guard – Fixed a bug so all Heavy Guards will advance the quest.
- Quests – Command of the Ogre King – Fixed a faction bug where Ogres would attack you even though they should not.
- Quests - Lover’s Quarrel – Beldra Goldhammer will now behave correctly upon spawn at Lookout Point.
- Quests – Baleful Crossings: You will not be able to combine the orbs until you have all orbs and all 50 kills.
- Quests – The Right Stuff: Torn Piece of Cloth will now stack up to 8, and will no longer drop once you have all 8 in your inventory.
- Quests - Undead Men Rising: You will receive a stack of 20 Bone Marrow Crunchies instead of 12.
- Quests – The Gathering Magic: The essences will now disappear once you absorb them with Azara’s Ring.
- Quests - Added new quests in and around the Misthaven area. Players should now find that Farmer John is now a point of some interest.
- Quests - The quest “The End of Innocence” has been split into two quests. The pauldrons previously given as a reward are now given out by the quest “Henchmen of Zar.” Feren Asrel in Silverlake now offers “Henchmen of Zar” as a follow-up quest to “A Scarcity of Griffons.” Your progress in killing the Zar defilers, dreadlords, and adepts should be preserved, though you will have to complete the quest “A Scarcity of Griffons” if you haven’t done it yet. The quest “The End of Innocence” is now offered to players level 21 and up, and no longer requires players to slay any Zar defilers, dreadlords, or adepts. If you are level 19-20, and you already picked up the quest “The End of Innocence,” you will still be on the quest. “The End of Innocence” no longer offers any item reward, though the quest chain that it will soon begin will offer a reward far better than any shoulder armor...
- Rahz Inkur – Vial of Light is now tradable.
- Rahz Inkur - Rahz Inkur region has received an additional content pass. The Var Efreet of Afrit now have goods to trade in exchange for objects of value to them.
- Rahz Inkur – Night of Zull – A bug has been fixed with last patch’s changes and powerful efreeti will now correctly spawn their soul orbs upon death.
- Shrine of the Flame – some population has changed
- Spider Bluffs – some population has changed
- Tanvu - The quest series for Lieutenant Mito in Naki Dojo near Tanvu was unable to be completed if you abandoned or declined the quest “Cleaning Up”. This issue has been corrected and if you abandon/decline it, it should still be available for you to take at a later time.
- Tanvu - The door to the Emperor’s chambers is now locked. If you have business with the Emperor of Tanvu, speak with Ji Ki the Teacher (Most Trusted of the Emperor).
- Tar Janashir - 5 more solo quests have been added to the Tar Janashir area.
- Tar Janashir - A solo event has been added to the Tar Janashir area.
- Tar Janashir - There have been multiple “solo” and “small group” quests added to the Tar Janashir area.
- Tehatamani Harbor – Has been fully repopulated and itemized. It is intended for players levels 45-50.
- Temple of Dailuk - Tablets of Awakening will now complete for all players possessing the tablet shards when Nerhtisfer is awakened
- Temple of Dailuk - Stone Tablets should now be lootable by multiple players
- Temple of Tehatamani - Has been fully repopulated and itemized. It is intended for players levels 45-50.
- Vol Tuniel - Modified a number of the more powerful NPCs to no longer flee at low life
- Vsurog Moor - Galsem the Velok Breeder in Vsurog Moor has been itemized.

- The Legendary weapons from Marsh of Peril have had effects added to them.
- Pantheon of the Ancients – 42 new items have found their way into this dungeon, both for completing the final encounter as well as sacrificing one’s Cloak of the Pantheon.
- Pantheon of the Ancients – Players sacrificing their Cloak of the Pantheon in exchange for the Key of Eternal Flame will now be rewarded with a Cache of Flame. The Cache of Flame, when opened, will always provide a usable item to your particular class.
- Pantheon of the Ancients – Leggings of Patience have received a minor boost in power.
- Pantheon of the Ancients - Leggings of Patience are now properly labeled as medium armor.
- Pantheon of the Ancients – Leg guards of Trials are now properly labeled as medium armor.
- The Righteous Gavel is no longer flagged as unique.
- Pantheon of the Ancients – The Righteous Gavel is now only usable by the following classes: Cleric, Paladin, Shaman, Blood Mage. Disciples who currently have this item may speak with Ini-Herat the Attendant within the Immortal Sanctum to exchange for a more appropriate reward. This exchange may only take place once per Disciple character.
- Pantheon of the Ancients – Added a martial weapon to the loot table that is only obtainable via sacrificing a Cloak of the Pantheon.
- Ancient Ksaravi Ulak is no longer flagged as unique.
- Youngsteele’s Ale is now flagged as a quest item.
- The Hyper-Cloth Deep Sea Mask now equips as a mask rather than an earring.
- The Circlet of Eternity will now function and report properly.
- The Gown of Eternity has had a more useful ability attached to it.
- Mistral Slivers should drop much more commonly
- More Mistral Slivers are needed to turn in for Dull Mistral Shards (old Mistral Slivers can be used to make 10 new Mistral Slivers)
- Wind of Decay has had it’s statistics adjusted; the Martial Staff no longer has “caster” statistics and modifiers.

- Toggled abilities will no longer gray out when they can still be toggled off.

- Fixed the problems on PVP servers where pets attacking you would spam "Perceived!" and "Overlooked!" and sometimes spam their aggro sound which could lag sometimes.
- Fix for a fall-through-the-world scenario that could occur when changing chunks at a 4-way chunk border.
- Fixed some performance issues with the player housing areas that was still causing doors, NPC's, and other objects not to display.
- Fixed an issue where crafting attributes were being refunded when characters were updated to a new version but crafting wasn't affected.

~The Vanguard Team
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Nombre de messages : 44
Date d'inscription : 18/03/2007

Patch Notes Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Patch Notes   Patch Notes Icon_minitimeMer 18 Avr - 9:07

Voici un petit Patch Note tout frais ! Very Happy

Citation :
Build 1809 April / 18 / 2007

Vanguard Build 1809 Patch Notes 4/18/2007

Ever wondered what kinds of things the developers of Vanguard have in store for the game? Wonder no more! With the In the Works webpage, we will be giving a quick glimpse of the projects we’re currently working on. The page will show both short term and long-term goals, as well as provide a top 10 bug list. You can find the page here.

- Players can now obtain unicorn and shadowhound mounts.
- Hitting escape will no longer immediately drop you out of PVP combat so you won't be able to hit out of combat abilities repeatedly.
- Many abilities intended to get a damage bonus undead and procs on undead were working against anything. This has been fixed and they now only work on undead enemies.
- Large heals are no longer as likely to be interrupted. The cast time is no longer restarted for these abilities but follows rules much more similar to normal interruption. The time added to the cast from a partial interrupt is slightly larger than other abilities. This will make large heals easier to cast when being hit and when being hit by multiple enemies. However, they are still intended to be a challenge to cast in bad situations and players are encourage to use their quick heals at those times.
- Players can now use their mounts in outdoor areas all throughout New Targonor. Indoor and covered areas, however, are still mount-restricted. Bet you didn’t know your horse was claustrophobic did you.
- PVP - Paladin PVP ranged damage has been reduced slightly.
- PVP - Ranger PVP melee damage has been reduced slightly.

- Bard – Mellarian’s Requiem of War now increases damage by a flat amount, fixing the stacking issues it had with Anthem of War.
- Bard – Improved the scaling values of Mellarian’s Anthem of War and increased the damage bonus to 15%, up from 10%.
- Bard – All Mellarian’s songs have had an improvement in the flat damage bonus portion of the song
- Bard – Irion’s Tune of Warding now increases AC by the correct amount
- Bard – The power of Tynen's Melody of Acceleration has been increased to 1%
- Bard – The power of Tynen's Strain of the Swift has been increased by 1%
- Bard – The power of Tynen's Coda of Velocity has been decreased by 2%
- Bard – Waterdance 4 now increases parry by the normal correct amount.
- Bard – The refresh timer on Fence has been removed.
- Bard – All of Cirel’s health regen components have been increased in power and have been given clearer descriptions
- Bard – All of Cirel’s mana regen components have had a slight increase in power and have been given clearer descriptions
- Bard – Gamael’s Song components are now more clear as to how much damage they do.
- Bard – The effects of Gamael’s are now visually indicated by a floating number.
- Bard – Gamael’s song components are now more easily identified in the combat text.
- Bard – Emboldening Embellishment now scales from 10 to 18, depending on your level.
- Blood Mage – Physical Transmutation has had its conversion ratio increased by a large amount.
- Blood Mage – Physical Transmutation now has a 45 seconds refresh timer
- Blood Mage – Physical Transmutation now has a 10 second 25% damage debuff that applies on the caster when used.
- Blood Mage – Conduct (The ability granted by Conducive Symbiote) now has a 45 seconds refresh, down form 5 minutes)
- Blood Mage – Increased the healing effectiveness of Conduct.
- Blood Mage – Quickening Jolt (the ability granted by Quickening Symbiote) now lasts 8 seconds, up from 6 seconds.
- Blood Mage – Increased the regeneration rate of Vitalizing Symbiote.
- Blood Mage – Increased the regeneration rate of Renewing Symbiote.
- Blood Mage – Increased the healing amount on Ritual of Gelenia.
- Blood Mage – Increased the gains per level of Blood Union on Ritual of Gelenia.
- Blood Mage – Added upgrades to Mental Transmutation.
- Blood Mage – Sheltering Rune now protects against 100% arcane and Physical damage for 6 seconds.
- Blood Mage – Sheltering Rune now has a 120 second refresh timer with 120 second diminishing returns.
- Blood Mage – Life Husk now increases its duration as you get upgrades.
- Blood Mage – Added new ability line Cerebral Graft at level 30. Please visit your trainers for this super sweet buff.
- Blood Mage – Union of Blood can now trigger chains.
- Blood Mage – Scarlet Ritual can now trigger chains.
- Blood Mage – Blood Letting Ritual can now trigger chains.
- Blood Mage – Severing Ritual can now trigger chains.
- Blood Mage – Added new ability Exsanguinate to trainers at level 30.
- Blood Mage – Added new ability Flesh Rend to trainers at level 22.
- Dread Knight- Armor of Darkness no longer lowers your damage.
- Dread Knight – Shadow Meld now increases resistances.
- Dread Knight – Shadow Meld now grants a chance for your attacks to add Dreadful Countenance.
- Druid – increased damage on Starfall and Earthquake.
- Druid – Added a 2 minute refresh to Taproot
- Druid – Drastically increased the HP of the phenomena Colossus
- Druid – All berry spells now summon the berries in your targets bag.
- Druid – Increased the effectiveness of Roseberries
- Druid – Increased damage of your Earth Elemental
- Druid – Increased the initial damage of the Summon Earth Elemental spell
- Monk – Lowered the mitigation penalty of the Storm Dragon Stances
- Monk – Lowered the melee slow of the Stone Dragon Stances
- Monk – Drunken Fist Stance has been altered. The damage bonus has been slightly increased, 5% parry chance and a mitigation penalty have been added. The increased hate generation has been removed.
- Monk – Drunken Sway has been altered. Dodge and Parry are both increased. The overall dodge/parry chance has increased. While in this stance you will slap all who attack you, dealing minor damage
- Monk – The refresh timer on Swaying Step has been removed.
- Monk – Reed in the Wind has had the intended refresh timer of 2 minutes added to it.
- Monk – Tiger Stance has had its endurance penalty progressively lowered. When Legendary Tiger Stance is earned the penalty is 40%.
- Monk – Stone Dragon Stance now adds the appropriate cold and fire rune (30, 40, 50%).
- Monk – All steps in the Exploding Heart Technique have been increased in power significantly.
- Monk – Added a 5 minute refresh timer to all steps of the Exploding Heart Technique
- Monk – All finishing attacks that were previously 2 minutes are now 1 minute.
- Monk – Reduced the Refresh timer on Secret of Celerity to 15 minutes.
- Monk – Increased the power of Ignore Pain, with the most power being gained at the final version.
- Monk – Iron Hand now lasts for 5 minutes and costs 5 Jin to activate.
- Monk – Secret of Flame now lasts for 40 seconds, has a 90s refresh timer and has an increased chance to apply the DoT portion. The damage is clearly marked in the description.
- Monk – Secret of Ice now lasts for 40 seconds, has a 90s refresh timer and has an increased chance to apply the stun portion. The damage is clearly marked in the description.
- Monk – Errant Strikes can now be used every 15 minutes and lasts for 30 seconds.
- Monk – Staggering Punch now deals 75% weapon damage plus an additional amount that increases over time…and thus it was that the clone wars came to an end.
- Monk – The damage of Dragon’s Breath has been greatly increased.
- Monk - Increased the damage of Divine Tsunami and Divine Avalanche to make a better, more gradual scale.
- Monk – Increased the damage and the endurance cost of Dragon Rakes its Claw
- Monk – Trapping Mantis Claw and Cloud Dragon’s Ruse have been lowered in refresh time to 2 minutes.
- Monk – Lurching Feint has had a refresh of 2 minutes added to it. This was not the intended refresh.
- Monk – Deadly Adder Hand’s duration now scales to 32 seconds at the final version.
- Monk – Eagle Claw’s duration now scales to 24 seconds at the final version.
- Monk – Eagle Claw now causes the Armor Chink weakness.
- Monk – Wave Hand in Cloud has been given new versions at level 38 and 50.
- Monk – Lowered the Jin cost of Wave Hand in Cloud to 6 and the refresh to 20 minutes.
- Monk – The self buff portion of Withering Palm now lasts for 60 seconds.
- Monk – Increased the damage of Withering Palm
- Monk – The effects of North Wind Breaks the Trunk will now display damage numbers both above the head of the target and in combat text (to see open chat options for your combat tab and turn the Others’ Damage Success filter on)
- Monk – Increased the damage of the effect of North Wind Breaks the Trunk.
- Monk – The self buff portion of Steal the Wind now lasts for 5 minutes.
- Necromancer - Abomination PVP damage has been reduced.
- Necromancer – Increased damage of level 50 grafts.
- Rogue – The refresh timer on Deter has been removed.

- Specialization titles are now available at the crafting advisor. If you are missing your specialization title, ask the crafting advisor about titles.
- Fixed a bug that may give you Grade A destroyed material for artificer practice charms.
- Rahkane is now removed from your inventory upon abandoning the quest “Legendary Fiend Hunter’s Weapon.”
- Ship construction tables now provide the proper complications.
- Corrected the names of some Qalian Floor Mattresses.
- You can now store items in the Medium Prime Kojani Chest
- Crafted Tier 5 Outfitter Light Armor has had it’s appearances updated.
- The ability description for the Society of Invention’s Mental Conductor now better describes its effects.
- The Cabal has stolen a valuable item from the Society of Invention. The Merchant’s Guild seeks to make a profit from the upcoming struggle. See the organization leader of the Ahgram crafting faction you are a member of to participate.
- The Imperial Trade Organization has acquiesced one of their buildings to the New Targonor Bank in exchange for tax cuts. Saori Kendall and her guard have moved into the building next door with the rest of her team.
- Correct the spelling of some furniture items.
- Taskmaster pause time and wander radius has been adjusted further.
- The quest recipes for the Ahgram crafting faction level 35 quests have had their levels increased to better reflect the level of the quest.
- The quest recipes for the New Targonor crafting faction level 35 quests have had their levels reduced slightly to better reflect the intended difficulty of the recipe.
- You can now switch crafting premier factions in Ahgram and New Targonor. Approach the leader of the faction you wish to join, tell them you wish to join, and confirm. Keep in mind doing this will remove any recipes related to the group you left, and you will lose a significant amount of faction with the other two organizations in that city. Please use caution when switching organizations.
- Varanjar outfitters must now actually assemble the improved needle to finish the tutorial.
- The Pristine Horseshoes special work order recipe now has the proper amount of charges attached.
- An issue preventing completion of the Qalian Journeyman Blacksmith quest has been fixed.
- Crafting organization work orders have received the following adjustments: Continental crafting faction loss/gain has been decreased, city crafting faction loss/gain has been decreased, crafting organization faction gain has been increased, and opposing crafting organization faction loss has been increased.
- Corrected an issue with the Mara figurehead quest that was preventing some people from starting.
- Samkara of the Arcane Camarilla is no longer “Stuck!”
- A few small mid-level crafting quests have been added to New Targonor.
- Corrected the quantity of resources required on some furniture.
- Updated the text display for Focusing Crystals of Renewal.
- Artificer work order recipes now specify the correct jewel cut which can be used as the optional ingredient.
- Updated the text display for Resonating Crystals of Enraging.

Patch Note du 18/04/07 partie 1

Dernière édition par le Mer 18 Avr - 9:11, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 44
Date d'inscription : 18/03/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Patch Notes   Patch Notes Icon_minitimeMer 18 Avr - 9:08

Citation :
- The Diplomacy Experience Curve has changed to place it more in line with the Adventuring and Crafting progressions and the overall Vanguard Experience. In general, gaining skill in Diplomacy will be much swifter at the lower skill range. As you reach the middle 200s, the progression is only slightly faster. It speeds up a bit more in comparison with the old system in the 300s. At the high 400s it speeds up one last time. This new curve is now much smoother and more logical as you gain skill. Special note: Diplomacy experience given by quests has NOT been changed. This means each quest, which before granted 1/3 of a skill point on completion, now grants slightly more than that at all skill ranges.
- The First Scholar NPCs in Tanvu are no longer playing hard to get. They will properly display how much presence you need before they will talk to you.
- The NPCs for the Khal writs will no longer play hide and seek. They will now show up correctly.
- Konarthi Point no longer has independent Civic Diplomacy levers – it now shares its levers with Halgarad. Players engaging in Civic there affect Halgarad levers and vice versa.
- The Refugee Camp in Jharuu Flats now shares Civic Diplomacy levers with Khal. Any buffs active through Civic Diplomacy in Khal are now active here as well.
- Wardship of the Sleeping Moon in Shaman’s Glade now shares Civic Diplomacy levers with Leth Nurae. Any buffs active through Civic Diplomacy in Leth Nurae are now active here as well.
- Fisher’s Pen in Ocean Watch now shares Civic Diplomacy levers with Tursh. Any buffs active through Civic Diplomacy in Tursh are now active here as well.
- Southwatch now shares Civic Diplomacy levers with Bordinar’s Cleft. Any buffs active through Civic Diplomacy in Bordinar’s Cleft are now active here as well.
- Dragon’s Backbone now shares Civic Diplomacy levers with Lomshir. Any buffs active through Civic Diplomacy in Lomshir are now active here as well.
- Infineum Plateau now shares Civic Diplomacy levers with Hathor Zhi. Any buffs active through Civic Diplomacy in Hathor Zhi are now active here as well.
- Tar Janashir now shares Civic Diplomacy levers with Mekalia. Any buffs active through Civic Diplomacy in Hathor Zhi are now active here as well.
- Problems with parleying with Khaathur resulting from doing the Qalian horse quest out of order have been resolved.
- Ambassadors Weeds, given out in New Targonor by House Remniol, now give academic presence.
- Renton Keep now has fixed Civic Diplomacy radii.
- Mekalia has altered Civic Diplomacy radii.
- Hathor Zhi has altered Civic Diplomacy radii.
- The NPCs Raster Calren and Robart Corrin have decided to seek out a new way of life and have converted to the occupation of Domestic from Outsider. They have stopped running from the law.
- Skragg, a crew member of the Bloodied Sword in Tawar Galan, no longer runs around like a chicken with his head cut off and instead stays put. This fixes the problem of people being unable to complete or begin quests with him.
- Ort, the Muck King, near Veskal’s Exchange, now properly reverts to his relaxed state after being prodded by sticks.
- The Writ from Leth Nurae to Bordinar’s Cleft, “An Unexpected Alliance” has been renamed to “An Unlikely Alliance”. Also, your New Targonor and Thestran Watch faction is only adjusted once now instead of twice.
- The flattery rebuttal “Knavish Demeanor” now costs 2 Flattery to play, removes 3 Flattery from your opponent, returns 2 Flattery to the player, and refreshes in 3 to 5 turns, making it a far more effective rebuttal for all those knaves out there. We know who you are.
- Fixed a bug whereby Martok diplomats could not receive a new tier 1 horse to undertake their tier 2 horse quest.
- Added a proviso to the Kojan tier 2 horse quest where you can have another copy of Ravela’s poem if you previously completed her sidequest and are doing the horsequest for a second time (or did it while the quest was broken and deleted her poem after you finished her sidequest.)
- Those who have been locked out of Bordinar’s Cleft writs should now be able to receive them from the Petitioners once again.
- A series of interlocking quests are now available on Qalia for all diplomats of 40 skill or higher. They begin in Khal with Mina Zeya, Hathor Zhi with Scion Aik’Tagi, Mekalia with Egata Reburleby, and Lomshir with Qarouk Telourshed. Complete all four of the questlines to assemble a full tier 1 suit with multiple presence types attached to it.
- The quests “Blind Woman’s Bluff” and “A Charming Deception” are available outside of Khal for diplomats of 40 skill or higher to earn new cards. They begin with Weaver Jekaqie, who lives in the lighthouse atop the cliffs outside of Khal.
- The quests “Can’t Get No Respect” and “Respect is Earned” are available in Tawar Galan for diplomats of 40 skill or higher to earn new cards. They begin with Warden Allegran.
- The 15 crafted Diplomacy items that did not fit into the valise now do so.
- Diplomats with at least 75 Diplomacy skill and do not somehow possess their Race Card can now speak with that debonair rake Royce McFarland on the approach to New Targonor (past the bridge) on the Thestra mainland side. If you need the card, it will automatically teach it to you. Test Server players should especially take note of this fact.
- Civic Diplomacy is now expanded in the Nusibe Necropolis. In the Tomb of the Lady of Cats, speak with the Citizens, Notable Citizens, and Aristocrats of Nusibe to spawn the Sun and Gold Courts of the Emperor. When spawned, you can parley with the Sun and Gold Courts of the Emperor to allow anyone in those rooms to earn a large buff when fighting Xakren and Tehatamani in the pyramids of the Temple of Tehatamani area
- Teleporters in the Tomb of the Lady of Cats now take you to the Sun Court of the Emperor or the Gold Court of the Emperor if you possess a Diplomacy skill of 225 or more..
- Teleporters in the Sun Court and Gold Court of the Emperor now take you to the Tomb of the Lady of Cats if you possess a Diplomacy skill of 225 or more..
- Civic Diplomacy is now available in the Nusibe Necropolis. In the Tomb of Raiders, parley with the Dead Explorers to activate the ability for anyone who enters the Tomb to avoid the traps in Nusibe Necropolis.
- The quest “Executive Privileges,” followed by “Raising the Stakes,” is available in Ahgram for diplomats of at least 40 skill to obtain new cards.
- The quest “Take to the Seas” is available in Konarthi Point for diplomats of at least 101 skill to obtain a new card.
- The quest “A Dockworkers Union” is available in New Targonor for diplomats of at least 40 skill to obtain a new card.
- Diplomats wishing to enter Pankor Zhi can now do so by proving the strength of their blood to the dark elves.
- The following Diplomacy clothing has had its special ability disabled pending an exploit fix. An additional Presence value has been added to them until they are reverted back to their original values.
- Orange Entertainer’s Gown
- White Instigator’s Vest
- Orange Gown
- White Vest
- Orange Socialite's Gown
- White Troublemaker’s Vest
- Orange Communicator's Breeches
- Orange Gossiper's Skirt
- Orange Speaker's Breeches
- Orange Skirt
- Orange Speaker's Breeches
- Orange Speaker's Skirt

- Abammisi Lake, Tehatamani Empire and Tehatamani Harbor – Many 2 dot mobs in these locations have new abilities.
- Abammisi Lake, Tehatamani Empire and Tehatamani Harbor – Quest itemsshould now display a loot confirmation box if the entire group can loot the quest item.
- Afrit - Handler Aerco in Afrit is looking for trustworthy adventurers to run an errand to Nusibe Necropolis. But he will not give this important task to anyone who does not have enough faction. Rumor has it there are weapons involved.
- Afrit – Flarewings around Afrit and in Sands of Sorrow will no longer flee when low on health.
- Afrit – With appropriate faction, Grand Provisioner Teravin now offers a adventurers the opportunity to acquire the prison of a merchant djinn.
- Ahgram – Smelly Cat will no longer attack innocent bystanders, even if he thinks they’re going to steal his fish.
- Cragwind Ridge - The drop rate of Mistral Slivers in Cragwind Ridge has been increased significantly.
- Cragwind Ridge - Named Cyclops in Cragwind Ridge will now always drop at least 2 Mistral Slivers.
- Elani - Upon a successful chance to spawn, Infusium Cores will now spawn in groups of six. Only the members of the party responsible for slaying the associated Cliffwalker Golem will be able to interact with one of the cores.
- Elani - The Cliffwalker Golem corpses no longer instantly despawn if there is no loot on the corpse and will obey the default despawn timer.
- Gorgalog Swamp – Faction hit for slaying Savage Tree elves bordering on the Ichtakhta capital has been increased.
- Gorgalog Swamp - Treants of the Flordiel are now harvestable through Lumberjacking.
- Gorgalog Swamp - Gorgaloks are now harvestable through skinning.
- Gorgalog Swamp - Ichtakhta are now harvestable through Quarrying.
- Gorgalog Swamp - The Flordiel Emissary, Esurin, is now indifferent to all players.
- Gorgalog Swamp - The Flordiel Emissary, Esurin, now offers all quests to players regardless of their faction level.
- Gorgalog Swamp - The Flordiel Emissary, Esurin, will now replace the Flordiel Guidance Ring if it is destroyed.
- Gorgalog Swamp - All Mnalus now have a chance to drop "Undamaged Fungal Fiber".
- Gorgalog Swamp - Increased the drop rate of Gorgalok Tribal Necklaces, Gorgalok Totems, Lesser Flordiel Symbols, Flordiel Symbols, Ichtakhta Eyes, and Ichtakhta Antennae.
- Gorgalog Swamp - Karoz of the Ichtakhta, Esurin, and Emissary Geisel will now offer an atonement quest for players wishing to be forgiven for their transgressions against their respective nations. Temporary functionality will assist in the quest completion until the dungeon of Gorgaluk has been completed. There is a known issue with your faction standing toward a rivaling nation upon completion of this quest falling out of sync with the others and is being looked into.
- Gorgalog Swamp - Karoz of the Ichtakhta will now allow players to view the upgradeable armor after completion of the quest "Favor of the Ichtakhta". The improved armor is viewable via the Assembly Window.
- Gorgalog Swamp - Emissary Geisel will now replace the Gorgalok Guidance Ring if it becomes misplaced after having completed the first quest of "Trust Your Eyes" or while currently engaged on the mentioned quest.
- Gorgalog Swamp - Karoz of the Ichtakhta will now replace the Ichtakhta Guidance Ring if it becomes misplaced during the quest "Favor of the Ichtakhta".
- Lucent Outpost - Experience and coin rewards for many quests from the Lucent Outpost have been adjusted
- Marsh of Peril - Added a new quest in the Marsh of Peril, “Hounds of the Wetlands.”
- Martok - The Tamed Ghostfang Okami will now despawn for 10 seconds after becoming enraged and forcibly obeying the player.
- Martok - Orcs and Goblins will now be granted the title "of Martok" upon their first visit into their home city.
- Mekalia – The journal location for “Hepca’s Plan, Part II” now correctly points to the Southern Menagerie. Gnomes cheer while the Chasm Lizards die a little inside.
- Northern Highlands – Players can no longer loot spirit necklaces from Torsheim Protectors for the quest ‘Roll the Bones’.
- Northern Highlands - Several NPC types in the Northern Highlands of Thestra are no longer aggressive
- NPCs - The spawn rate of Exaen Reet has been sped up considerably.
- Nusibe Necropolis – The crypt flyers no longer silence.
- Pantheon of the Ancients - The heavy-fighter Cloak of the Pantheon's ability, Guardian of Moraj, now properly nullifies 50% of all damage taken for 15 seconds upon use for the wearer's group. As always, all Cloaks of the Pantheon are only usable within the Immortal Sanctum.
- Quests – Hard Preparations: The paracloacal glands will drop at a more rapid rate.
- Quests - The quests offered by Guard Captain Rexmal now have appropriate waypoints.
- Quests - Replenishing Supplies - The number of mushrooms required for this quest has been lowered, and the respawn rate for the mushrooms has been increased
- Quests - We Must Rebuild - The number of mushrooms required for this quest has been lowered, and the respawn rate for the mushrooms has been increased
- Quests - Mushroom Surprise has had its requirement reduced to 10 mushrooms
- Quests - Ebonwings Ebonwords has had its requirement reduce to 15 kills
- Quests - Guard Turroza in Trengal Watch now offers a repeatable version of her beetle money making scheme quest
- Quests - The Hunter’s League quests are now enabled. Adventurers in Eastern Qalia (Qa Riverbank, Ksaravi Gulch, Upside Defense Garrison and Skawlra Rock) now have additional class based armor/weapon reward quests to complete. Speak to your local Hunter’s League representative for more information. Please note: If you do not meet the requirements for the representative in your area, you may have to complete the requirements of another member of the Hunter’s League before progressing.
- Rahz Inkur – Zullbane Serum now has a cooldown attached.
- Rahz Inkur – The final encounter in the helm quest line will now reliably spawn the final turn-in NPC and drop the final required item.
- Rahz Inkur – Players should no longer need to perform ancient voodoo magic in order to get Zull Spirit Orbs to spawn from boss NPCs in the Rahz Inkur palace.
- Renton Keep – The quests for The Sisters should give more clear directions to the Hethepool and Nightspring. Travel Journal Entries have also been added.
- Renton Keep - Sisters – Fixed a logic issue where players could get bugged and unable to continue the quest line past step 5.
- River Valley - Xanariel is no longer missing.
- Shoreline Ruins - Stormwynd Zombies will now drop intact essences.
- Shoreline Ruins - The inhabitants of Stormwynd Keep and Stormwynd Beacon now respawn more quickly.
- Southwatch – NPCs at the Red Sparrow Encampment no longer share a linked respawn.
- Southwatch - The quest "Slay the Silvertalon Pride" has been re-enabled and is now completeable by players. This quest is the continuation of the quest "Leather for Beldra" and begins at Beldra Goldhammer.
- Tawar Galan - A Banker and Broker have been added to Tawar Galan
- Tehatamani Empire – 2 dot pyramid mod density has been increased, and respawn rate has been increased
- Tehatamani Empire – Large pyramid npc difficulty and assist radius have been tweaked
- Temple of Dailuk – The hyenas have had their population density decreased.
- Temple of Dailuk – The Seared Bones are now flagged as KOS.
- Temple of Dailuk – There is now a monk instructor at Dragonweir Fortress.
- Vsurog Moor - Adjusted the difficulty of Tishra the Bloodpriest, and Silidoth the Destroyer. Also increased the availability of both encounters as well as the potential chance for multiple loot drops.
- Vsurog Moor - More quests have been added to this area for solo and small group play.
- Xennumet - The drop rate of Xennu shards has been increased (This took effect last patch, but was not mentioned)
- Xennumet – The weapons from the Xenn technology quest lines have had their rarities increased to heroic.
- Xennumet – The main Xennumet quest line is now active.
- Xennumet - The actual Xennumet dungeon can now be accessed but requires completion of the main quest line first.
- Xennumet - New Xenn tech quests have been added, including upgrades to Xeno dar greaves and breastplate, as well as new items altogether.
- Zaraj Arena - Repair bots in the Zaraj Arena now cost 10 coins, down from 100.

Patch Note du 18/04/07 partie 2

Dernière édition par le Mer 18 Avr - 9:11, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 44
Date d'inscription : 18/03/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Patch Notes   Patch Notes Icon_minitimeMer 18 Avr - 9:09

Citation :
- The Aor’Ahn Cloak is now equippable by all classes.
- Ancient Ksaravi Ulak now deals Hand-to-Hand damage rather than Blunt damage.
- Ancient Ksaravi Ulak now renders in-game as an ulak model.
- Ancient Ksaravi Ulak’s proc rate has been reduced slightly.
- Ancient Ksaravi Ulak’s proc effect has been changed. The new proc effect increases the wielder’s chance to dodge by 100% for 3 seconds while increasing the wielder’s defensive target’s chance to parry by 50% for 3 seconds. The parry portion will not affect the wielder if the wielder is also the defensive target. This effect will also not dissipate after dealing a melee attack.
- The ability on the Soul Siphon Hoop has been adjusted.
- Gift of the Prince's proc effect, Infuriate, has been modified. It continues to increase melee damage caused by 20%, but now also decreases the time between auto-attacks by 20% as well as adding an amount of hate to your offensive target on behalf of your defensive target. The hate adding portion of the effect will not fire if you are your own defensive target. The proc rate and duration of the effect has been reduced.
- The drop rate of intact essences has been increased for all types.
- Glominus, Sword of Pain – Proc messaging fixed to correctly show damage instead of healing. The sword was never actually healing the NPC.

- There will be some additional hitching the first time you see new materials in game while your system recompiles and caches the programmable shaders. These caches will correctly load when you start up the game in the future. Overall, you should experience less hitching in the long run.
- You can now search for multiple classes simultaneously in the Class dropdown of the Social Find window.
- Some significant enhancements to graphics performance on the High and Highest Performance settings should be seen.

~The Vanguard Team

Patch Note du 18/04/07 partie 3
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