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 Prochain patch si tout va bien....

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 21
Date d'inscription : 06/02/2007

Prochain patch si tout va bien.... Empty
MessageSujet: Prochain patch si tout va bien....   Prochain patch si tout va bien.... Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Avr - 9:01

yesssssss je vais pouvoir enfin monter mon compteur d infamy king

Vanguard Build 1800 Patch Notes 4/4/2007 – TEST SERVER

Official Test Server Forums (courtesy of Vanguard Spheres):

- Please note the death penalty has been reverted to the original version available on live. Thank you for testing!

- Currently diplomacy is not working, we will correct this as soon as possible.

- Sea Portals should now be visible on the in-game map.
- On the PVP servers, you should now be able to target opponent pets without holding control.
- Toggled abilities can now be toggled off even if you don't meet the use costs.
- PvP players with pets and DoT's rejoice! You will now receive kill credit for kills with your pet or DoT.
- Secondary targets on spells and attacks now follow the same range rules as primary targets of the ability.
- Player pets that have clickable special attacks now have appropriate range checking. The pet's owner will receive chat message when an attack fails for this reason.

- Blood Mage – Added duration indicator on Translucence.
- Cleric - Added the Tactic Recognition skill.
- Disciple – Ra’Jin Flare now raises the Evocation skill instead of just claiming to
- Dread Knight – The endurance cost penalty on Ebon Blade form applies itself correctly now.
- Dread Knight – Armor of Darkness no longer gives an increasing damage debuff as you level it up. It stays at a flat 10% decrease.
- Dread Knight – Shadow Meld now increases Block instead of dodge.
- Dread Knight – All forms now show icons to indicate how it is affecting you at the current phase.
- Dread Knight – Nexus of Hatred should no longer aggro npcs that aren’t attacking your defensive target.
- Dread Knight – Devour Strength now has the correct particle effect instead of Devour Mind’s particle effect.
- Necromancer – Added Skin Grafts to Necropsy loot tables
- Ranger – Parry III stops your auto attack just like Parry I and Parry II
- Rogue – Evacuation Scroll now has an activation time of 7 seconds. Advanced Evacuation Scroll now has a cast time of 5 seconds. These cast times have increased from your previous times.
- Shaman - Added the Tactic Recognition skill.
- Warrior – When Rend Armor crits, you can chain Stinging Cut into Biting Blades now.
- Warrior – Shield Wall now requires you to have a shield equipped
- Warrior – Taunting Strike VI will now cause chains to trigger when it crits.
- Warrior – Roar of Fury no longer triggers global recovery
- Warrior – Protect no longer breaks mezzes.
- Warrior – Offensive form now lowers mitigation by 10% of your current and not by a flat amount.

- Fixed the bug where you would always see the first catalyst you added for the first recipe that took a catalyst for all later recipes.
- Fixed issue with Gift of might series that was causing some attributes to not be included
- A new diplomacy deconstruction quest has been added to Tawar Galan. It is available only to mineralogists.
- The item Shandrel’s Focus has had its description updated to better explain its effects.
- The description for the quest “Grodek’s New Hammer” has been edited to be clearer.
- Fixed issue causing decons to give resources a tier higher
- The crafters who have uncovered Kalind’s closely-guarded training techniques can now utilize bonus actions in certain special recipes.
- The Gwartak Clan recipes now have a special action family in their makeup.
- More clothing merchants have been added to various cities.
- Taskmaster wander radius has been decreased slightly, and wait time has been increased slightly.
- A few crafting quests that were giving notably low experience have had that value increased.
- Health resonance dust should now add the effect Boon of Health. This effect will increase the effectiveness of heals cast on you. This effect does stack, becoming more powerful the more pieces you wear.
- Energy resonance dust should now add the effect Arcane Gift. This effect adds energy regen and an increase to your energy pool. This effect does stack, becoming more powerful the more pieces you wear.
- Crafting spheres and orbs now display their proper trades.
- Outfitter bandage recipes have had their descriptions updated.
- Repair Stone recipe now uses Sandstone instead of soapstone
- The Enchanted Refined Materials quest recipe for the Thestran crafting organizations has been made more appropriate to the quest level.
- Platinum Rings advanced work order recipe has been fixed to provide the correct item.
- The improperly named advance work order “Advanced Research” given by Robai Wyneb is now titled “Brilliant Rings.”
- Harvest Charm recipes now display required grade for success.
- A recipe for crafting expendables has been added to the crafting organizations in New Targonor and Ahgram. You can only learn the recipe for the organization you belong to.
- The “Seer’s Amulet” recipe has been adjusted to better fit in with the quest it is attached to.
- The continental style quest recipes have been better adjusted to fit the level of the quest.
- The faction loss for abandoning a crafting organization quest has been lowered slightly.
- The total action points for the quest recipe “Enchanted Refined Materials” have been increased.
- Members of the crafting organizations you have worked closely with should now react differently to you.
- Drogan and Cort in Tursh should no longer be “Stuck!”
- Some issues with wandering taskmasters have been resolved.
- The Deebs crafting outpost no longer gives Thestran Artisan faction for completed work orders.
- Changing specializations now gives you the appropriate title.
- Gwartak Clan crossbow now actually fires bolts rather than arrows.
- A typo was corrected with Katako’s blacksmith training being labeled as artificer training halfway during the tutorial quest series.
- A number of advanced work orders have had their recipe skill changed.
- Corrected several items that were not providing the correct deconstruction rewards.
- Upside Alliance faction is now gained for doing work orders at the Oasis outpost.
- Fieldwork Toolbelt has had its stats adjusted.
- A quest has been added to New Targonor for allies of the Black Diamond Mercenaries.
- More furniture recipes have been added to trainers.

- Vhaloria will now correctly give out her poem when you defeat her in parley in the Tier 2 Kojani horse quest.
- The merchants NPC’s parleyed with in “Intercepting Contraband” are now domestics so that the presence is more easily attainable.
- Tier 2 Diplomacy tack has received a boost to its effectiveness.
- Quest objectives in “A Cause for Interference” will now properly display and update with the names of the groups in Ahgram you need to parley with.
- The NPC’s needed to parley with in New Targonor’s “Ghost-ese” now require soldier presence instead of outsider.
- Quest Objectives of the Ca’ial Brael writ “A Warden’s Betrayal” have been made clearer.
- Queen Ilyia will now complete the Bordinar’s Cleft writ “Elves Against the East.”
- Emerald Matrices now show a green gem icon.
- You will now gain prestige with Ca’ial Brael rather than losing it for completing the writ “A Warden's Betrayal” in Ca’ial Brael.
- The writ “New Partnerships” now has a travel journal entry for the gnomish emissaries.
- The Ahgram writ “Procuring Leverage” now correctly sends you to Dallaraz the Administrator in Pankor Zhi instead of Karmala.
- You now gain faction with The Circle of Ten when you complete the Leth Nurae writs: Research Exchange Treaty and Strange Bedfellows
- You now lose faction with The Circle of Ten when you complete the Leth Nurae writ: Power Corrupts
- In the Leth Nurae writ Research Exchange Treaty you no longer gain House Hilthorn faction and no longer lose College of Magic faction. You now lose Halgarad faction instead.
- Writs are now available with the various Directors of affairs in New Targonor for diplomats of at least 150 skill and 500 prestige faction with the City of New Targonor. Look in the Temple of the Fathers to find them walking around amongst themselves and speaking with the King.
- Writs are now available with the various Administrators in Khal for diplomats of at least 150 skill and 500 prestige faction with the City of Khal. Look for them in the Office of the Port Authority near Jaluna Fenn.
- Writs are now available with the various Superintendents in Tanvu for diplomats of at least 150 skill and 500 prestige faction with the City of Tanvu. Look for them in the courtyard with the great bell across from the palace of the Emperor.
- Diplomacy clothing now fits within the Informant’s Valise and future Diplomacy containers.
- Informant’s Valise now applies a weight reduction on carried Diplomacy clothing.
- Informant’s Valise’s capacity slightly increased.
- Instigator Vests now actually modify Incite conversations, as indicated on the item description.
- Entertainer Gowns now actually modify Entertain conversations, as indicated on the item description.
- Tier 3 Thestran Diplomacy leg items now display the appropriate icon, and now equip in the appropriate location.

- Afrit - There is now a warrior trainer within Afrit.
- The Deebs – Jagund the Wavebreaker is now more difficult, although he still remains unitemized.
- Fisher’s Pen – You will no longer be attacked by overland creatures when attempting to use the outfitter fitting table.
- Nusibe Necropolis – Mob respawn timers have been slightly adjusted.
- Pantheon of the Ancients – The Orb of the Eternal Flame is now spawned at all times
- Pantheon of the Ancients – The hit point values for the Avatar of Mara and the Avatar of Caia have been significantly increased.
- Rahz Inkur – Night of Zull – A bug has been fixed with last patch’s changes and powerful efreeti will now correctly spawn their soul orbs upon death.
- Quests – Baleful Crossings: You will not be able to combine the orbs until you have all orbs and all 50 kills.
- Quests – The Right Stuff: Torn Piece of Cloth will now stack up to 8, and will no longer drop once you have all 8 in your inventory.
- Quests - Undead Men Rising: You will receive a stack of 20 Bone Marrow Crunchies instead of 12.
- Quests – The Gathering Magic: The essences will now disappear once you absorb them with Azara’s Ring.
- Quests - Added new quests in and around the Misthaven area. Players should now find that Farmer John is now a point of some interest.
- Quests - The quest “The End of Innocence” has been split into two quests. The pauldrons previously given as a reward are now given out by the quest “Henchmen of Zar.” Feren Asrel in Silverlake now offers “Henchmen of Zar” as a follow-up quest to “A Scarcity of Griffons.” Your progress in killing the Zar defilers, dreadlords, and adepts should be preserved, though you will have to complete the quest “A Scarcity of Griffons” if you haven’t done it yet. The quest “The End of Innocence” is now offered to players level 21 and up, and no longer requires players to slay any Zar defilers, dreadlords, or adepts. If you are level 19-20, and you already picked up the quest “The End of Innocence,” you will still be on the quest. “The End of Innocence” no longer offers any item reward, though the quest chain that it will soon begin will offer a reward far better than any shoulder armor...
- Rahz Inkur – Vial of Light is now tradable.
- Tanvu - The door to the Emperor’s chambers is now locked. If you have business with the Emperor of Tanvu, speak with Ji Ki the Teacher (Most Trusted of the Emperor).

- Mistral Slivers should drop much more commonly
- More Mistral Slivers are needed to turn in for Dull Mistral Shards (old Mistral Slivers can be used to make 10 new Mistral Slivers)
- Pantheon of the Ancients – Leggings of Patience have received a minor boost in power.
- Pantheon of the Ancients - Leggings of Patience are now properly labeled as medium armor.
- Pantheon of the Ancients – Leg guards of Trials are now properly labeled as medium armor.
- Pantheon of the Ancients – The Righteous Gavel is now unique.
- Pantheon of the Ancients – The Righteous Gavel is now only usable by the following classes: Cleric, Paladin, Shaman, Blood Mage. Disciples who currently have this item may speak with Ini-Herat the Attendant within the Immortal Sanctum to exchange for a more appropriate reward. This exchange may only take place once per Disciple character.
- Pantheon of the Ancients – Added a martial weapon to the loot table that is only obtainable via sacrificing a Cloak of the Pantheon.
- Wind of Decay has had it’s statistics adjusted; the Martial Staff no longer has “caster” statistics and modifiers.

- Toggled abilities will no longer gray out when they can still be toggled off.

- Fixed the problems on PVP servers where pets attacking you would spam "Perceived!" and "Overlooked!" and sometimes spam their aggro sound which could lag sometimes.
- Fix for a fall-through-the-world scenario that could occur when changing chunks at a 4-way chunk border.
- Fixed some performance issues with the player housing areas that was still causing doors, NPC's, and other objects not to display.
- Fixed an issue where crafting attributes were being refunded when characters were updated to a new version but crafting wasn't affected.

~The Vanguard Team
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Nombre de messages : 82
Localisation : Pornic
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2007

Prochain patch si tout va bien.... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Prochain patch si tout va bien....   Prochain patch si tout va bien.... Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Avr - 15:27

Si ca en rajoute pas d'autres tout va bien lol! lol!
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Prochain patch si tout va bien....
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